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Best Website Award!

Welcome to the 8th edition of our renowned Best Website Award! This prestigious recognition continues to celebrate excellence in the digital realm by showcasing the best practices within the industry. We highlight the exceptional efforts made by governments, organizations, and innovators across the globe. Our award aims to honor those who set new standards in digital design, functionality, and innovation, inspiring others to reach new heights in online engagement and creativity. Join us as we announce and commend the pioneers and trailblazers who are shaping the future of web experiences worldwide through our online platform.

trophy gx award

Disciplines for Judging

The judging for the Best Website Award is based on 5 Disciplines that covers the main pillars.





Content Quality

Content Quality





Previous Winners

What makes GX Award Unique?

Every entry will be receiving a comprehensive report about the smart app based on the judging disciplines. The report will include valuable suggestions to improve the smart app in all aspects.